Singapore’s First Urban Micro-Grid Targets Zero-Emission

Mr Brandon Chia, Head, SP Centre of Excellence (Centre) and Associate Professor Ivan Lee, Vice President (Industry & Community), SIT (Second from right) signing the RCA to jointly develop sustainable and energy-saving solutions for the micro-grid. The signing was witnessed by National Development and Second Finance Minister, Mr Lawrence Wong (second from left) together with Mr Wong Kim Yin, Group CEO, SP Group (extreme left) and Professor Tan Thiam Soon, President, SIT (extreme right)

SP Group and the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) will build Singapore’s first multi-energy urban micro-grid at the university’s campus at the upcoming Punggol Digital District, with a target to achieve zero-emission.

The micro-grid will integrate gas, electricity and thermal energy into a unified smart energy network. It will enable SIT to tap green energy sources such as solar energy and energy storage technologies, save energy and eliminate carbon emissions, equivalent to removing close to 2,000 vehicles off the roads. The multi-energy micro-grid will also serve as a teaching and applied research platform for SIT students and other stakeholders in the energy ecosystem.

SP and SIT also signed a Research Collaboration Agreement (RCA) on 23 April 2018 at the opening conference of the International Utility Working Group [IUWG] conference. They will jointly research and develop sustainable, energy-saving solutions to incorporate onto the micro-grid.

— 23 April 2018


SP and SIT signed a memorandum of understanding to build a multi-energy urban micro-grid at the university’s upcoming Punggol campus. The signing was held at the Singapore International Energy Week 2017 and was witnessed by Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Communications and Information, and Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth, Ms Sim Ann.