Building Singapore’s Largest and Fastest EV Charging Network

MrGoh Chee Kiong, Head, Strategic Development, SP Group (right), with Mr James Ng, Managing Director, HDT, after SP and HDT signed a partnership for SP tosupport all of HDT’s charging needs for the next 10 years.

SP Group (SP) plans to build 1,000 electric vehicle (EV) charging points across Singapore by 2020. This doubles its initial target, made earlier in June, to build the country’s largest public EV charging network with 500 charging points nation-wide.

The charging network will be Singapore’s fastest. Of the 1,000, there will be 250 high-powered direct current (DC) chargers that will have power ratings as high as 350kW. These new extra-high-powered chargers will be able to support new upcoming EV models with bigger battery capacities and longer driving ranges.

SP’s charging network will meet the needs of an escalating EV population. SP has announced a partnership with HDT Singapore Taxi (HDT), Singapore’s largest electric taxi operator, for SP to provide all of HDT’s charging needs for the next 10 years. HDT plans to grow its fleet to 800 electric taxis by 2022.

SP also plans to extend EV charging services to a wider range of vehicular types. This includes larger commercial vehicles such as buses and other heavy-duty vehicles.

— 29 October 2018