Energised to fly the SP flag high

Leading a new unit, Investment Development within the Finance department, Ng Chun Jin is entrusted with accelerating new greenfield investments such as rooftop and utility solar, onshore wind, and district cooling projects. This is carried out in close collaboration with our overseas business teams, starting in China.

Ng Chun Jin, Vice President of Investment Development at SP Group.

Describing his new role, he explained, “Tapping on the knowledge and network of our in-market teams, we seek out greenfield investment opportunities, assess and shortlist transactions together and co-lead the investment process. Once the transactions are completed, our overseas colleagues will operationalise the projects.”

Chun Jin’s career at SP Group started almost 20 years ago as a newly minted scholar under the then Management Associate programme, focused on financial and commercial work. He recalls fondly the opportunities to bond with colleagues in other functions, one of his favourite being the inter-subsidiary football competitions.

During his first three years at SP, he was involved in the acquisition of TXU Australia unit, which forms part of the current SP’s Australia business.

“It was one of the highlights of my career. After the acquisition process, we retained the regulated part of the business and sold the unregulated business entity, which was one of the top four players in the merchant power market, equivalent to Singapore’s Open Electricity Market.”

He would call Australia his second home, shuttling back and forth every two weeks.

Chun Jin went on to join a private equity fund, a first to move into the renewables space at that time. He also joined an international bank and led its renewable franchise in Asia Pacific.

Drawn to the prospect to expand SP’s overseas footprint in China and Vietnam, Chun Jin rejoined SP on 1 November 2020.

Last year, Chun Jin worked on the Vietnam market and also explored potential offshore wind turbine projects with established corporations, leaning on the experience he carried from his previous work in an European bank.  

“Wind turbines generate more energy as compared to solar, and there is a growing demand for it as a renewable source in Vietnam.”

Ng Chun Jin, Vice President of Investment Development in Finance, with Deputy Directors Jennifer Ong Phaik Ching (left) Seraphina Ho Songfang (centre) at a team bonding session.

On his return to SP, he quipped, “It’s an exciting time to chart the next lap of international growth which is totally aligned with my personal interests. In the past, I worked a lot with overseas companies. This time, it’s time to fly the Singapore and SP flag high!”

Chun Jin looks forward to meeting his football kakis again but in the meantime, turns to running and online Chinese chess to unwind.