Partnership with PUB in EMA’s Demand Response and Interruptible Load programmes

(from left) Stanley Huang, Group CEO, SP Group;S Harsha, Managing Director, Sustainable Energy Solutions, SP Group; Harry Seah, Deputy Chief Executive (Operations), PUB; and Goh Si Hou, Chief Executive, PUB, at the MOU signing ceremony. (Credit: PUB, Singapore’s National Water Agency)

SP Group (SP) has partnered PUB to participate in EMA’s Demand Response (DR) and Interruptible Load (IL) programmes. PUB is the first government agency to participate in the programmes.

PUB will voluntarily reduce its energy use or temporarily shift electricity usage during periods of peak usage or when supply from renewable energy sources is intermittent. This will help balance electricity demand and supply on the national power grid at critical times, while facilitating the integration of more renewables.

For a start, PUB has identified the Marina Raw Water Pumping Station, located at Kallang Basin, as the first contributing facility. The pumping station is used to transfer raw water from Marina Reservoir to Upper Peirce Reservoir and there is flexibility to adjust operations when required to manage or reduce electricity usage.

SP has been operating the Thermal Energy Storage system as part of its Marina Bay District Cooling operations since 2006 to improve the overall reliability and resilience of the network. In 2016, the team started developing process, control and data science capabilities to become an active participant in EMA’s demand-side management activities through the DR and IL programmes. In 2022, SP became a DR aggregator, which presented SP the unique opportunity to facilitate electricity load curtailment across multiple sites, and for other suitable companies.

— 6 April 2023