Mentor gives out tough assignments to sharpen skills of next generation

On any given day, Senior Principal Engineer and Technical Expert Chua Khim Mong, would pose a hypothetical engineering problem in a group chat, challenging his team of technical officers and technicians to solve it.

With nearly four decades of experience under his belt, Khim Mong believes tough assignments can help his mentees stretch their capabilities and grow in their careers.

Senior Principal Engineer Chua Khim Mong (right) and Senior Engineer Chung Der Chyuan are amongst the 23 Technical Experts appointed to deepen SP’s engineering expertise
Senior Principal Engineer Chua Khim Mong (right) and Senior Engineer Chung Der Chyuan are amongst the 23 Technical Experts appointed to deepen SP’s engineering expertise.

“I tell them to never be afraid of asking seemingly silly questions. The most valuable lessons are learned from questioning and probing,” shared Mr Chua.

Read the full story on how mentors like Kim Mong are key in helping the next generation of engineers hone relevant skills and expertise on The Straits Times.